Wednesday 10 November 2010


Following on from the ELIAKIM in Megiddo post let us continue and look at HYSSOP that is mentioned in the bible.

Gustav Davidson wrote "The Greater Key of Solomon connects the Messiach as the text spelt it, with the connection with the invocation of the water and the hyssop." 

Those of us that work with colour and flowers first look at the colour of the flower that is chosen. The Herb known as Hyssop comes in three different varieties, blue like bluebells. [1] 

What does blue represent? Healing, tranquilty and the divine feminine. Its tall, grows UPRIGHT and is a fragile medicinal plant, this indicates integrity and gentleness. Red the colour of the heart/blood/life,  and white the colour of purity. No surprise then that the USA and the UK national flags are Red, White and Blue. 

Hyssop = Ezov. 

The shape of the flower is like an Orchid and those that have been reading this blog know that we posted the other day calling for the ORCHID healers [5] who are the teachers of healing therapies. Hyssop was considered to be a sacred plant and God's healers are certainly sacred to him, in the bible the leaves are for healing the nations. 

Here is another link on the herb Hyssop it claims that tradition identifies the hyssop mentioned in  the scriptures as Majoram and only grows naturally in Northern Israel. [2] Why the North? The North is the direction of healing and Archangel Raphael. 

Now in Hebrews 9:19 it mentions Moses and the law, how he took the blood of the calves and goats, water, scarlet wool, hyssop and sealed the book of the commandments with it. However, as we know in the time of Moses books did not exist. 

In my humble view the calves and goats are symbolic of the people, the blood is symbolic of life, water is symbolic of the divine feminine and scarlet wool can be symbolic of comfort zones covering the heart. Prophet Isaiah also mentions the scarlet wool. Isaiah 1:17-19

Hebrews chapter 9 is an interesting chapter. 

1. The Holy Spirit was showing that the way into the most holy place had not yet been disclosed. 

2. External regulations only applied until the time of the new order that was anticipated to come in the last days of the end times. 

3. Calves, Goats and Bulls. In other texts the Calves and Goats relate to people and as Prophet Malachi predicted the calves will leave their stalls. Also we all know about people that can be like bulls in a china shop, especially when their precious belief systems are at stake. I have certainly experienced plenty of American bulls that live in the CHINA shop. 

4. The New Covenant is mentioned to set them free from the previous one. However, Christ did not deliver the everlasting covenant mentioned by Prophet Isaiah because the everlasting covenant is delivered in the last days for God's divine purpose. 

5 It mentions that there is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood,  that is in complete opposition to the teaching that one must not pollute the land with bloodshed and the commandment 'Thy shall not murder'. However, if you view it on a spiritual level, it can pertain to shedding some of your life experience that has co-created harm of the self, and as we know unforgiveness blocks the heart and stops people from healing their anger. Anger is also the biggest predictor of heart disease. 

Again, the bulls tend to react to the red flag, like the term 'red rag to the bull'. Americans certainly do react to what they perceive as communism. When in reality Christ was inherently socialist with socialist values, although the Christian orthodox like to ignore that fact. 

6. It then talks about the sacrifice of Christ to do away with sin. Again, that is in complete opposition to the teachings in the bible that state that God asked for mercy not sacrifice. That is if you take it literally. 

If you view it spiritually, then the letting go of Christ the person, enables you to ascend further. That has certainly been my experience of ascending from the Son to the Father.  I never was attached to Christ because he taught me to live in detachment. However, it was always a blessing if and when he came to visit me. 

To conclude; "The invocation of the water and the hyssop" can be to do with healing remedies because flower essence producers that still make the healing remedies by hand, capture the essence of the flower in water under the sun. Moses was in Egypt and the ancient Egyptians also worked with flowers and their healing properties. See the post on Egyptian Miranda Healers mentioned by God. [3]Also Moses request for JOSEPH. [7]

One can also understand the invocation of water as blessing the water and the first time I was asked to do that on a mission, was in Florence for the Harmonic Concordance in 2003. Our group blessed the water in English, Italian and Hebrew and some of us are professional healers/teachers e.g. hyssop. So my view is the HYSSOP is also symbolic of the HEALERS OF WATER and water consciousness. Now the other day, Abba also said 'WATER MICHAELE' and we made a post on that as well. 

How does that feel? 


Good one, HYSSOP is one of the Guruda remedies as well and he talks about it alleviating guilt. What do healers of consciousness do? Help people to heal their guilt. In the passage that he cites it is to do with King David when he committed adultery. As we know, guilt also breaks down the immune system. He recommends it for children and people in prison reform. Also for some past life situations, LOL I was divinely guided to become a past life healer. 

It also good for lungs and for animals and as we know animals love receiving healing. Problems with the lungs is also to do with guilt and not being able to take in life and new life experiences. 

I have a wonderful case study of a miracle that happened with a lady with a serious lung problem that was on her death bed. She completely recovered after one Reiki healing treatment. Reiki is excellent for lungs and diseases related to the breath of life. I also made her a flower essence combination remedy to help her to release her guilt like King David. During the healing treatment she was also listening to one of our recordings. 

Going back to the book of Hebrews,919 is the same Jewish gematria value as 'Oil of Olive'. [6]

Now this is where it gets good. The English gematria value of HYSSOP is the same as Yehoshua. Crop Circle, World Peace, King Tut (who had Western European DNA), 


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