Saturday 28 May 2011


This morning I woke up vexed and the violence of others vexes the Spirit of God. I then heard the distinctive voice of a friend and his accent. He simply said 'CHEVY'. I immediately, tuned into cars and FOUR wheel drives.

The Chevrolet is known as CHEVY, a brand of vehicle. Chevrolet was founded by a SWISS racing driver and Abba as warned people about car racing. After Abba gave the 12/8th's prophecy eight people died and 12 were injured at a race track last year in the USA. Louis also had a co-founder, ousted GM founder William C. Durant and investment partners. Louis did not agree with Durant on design, so sold his shares to Durant. It is written that Durant wanted to use Chevrolet's name as a racer to rebuild his own reputation. Goodness gracious me, the times that I have witnessed that happen. People have even gone so far as to use my name and try to impersonate me on the internet. However, those that hear my voice know the voice of Lotus Feet aka ELIAKIM Joseph-Sophia.

Those that know my voice are not fooled by those that try to copy me, because I was established by God decades before they even came on the scene. Was it divine providence that my voice was recorded in a professional recording studio? Yes, it was the will of God for the people to receive the healing meditations, so that they could know my voice that brings healing to humanity and raise them up.

General Motors acquired Chevrolet in 1917 when Durant purchased a major shareholding in GM. Does it remind you of GM Foods and Crops? Chevrolet was positioned by Alfred Sloan to sell vehicles to directly compete against Henry Ford's Model T in the 1920's. Chevy is synonymous with North America. So this is about competition between the two sides. Those that support GM and those that support growing organically.

Remember the T relates to the medieval map shared with you in the 'Inter-continental' post.  The ancient T stones found at the ancient site in Turkey. The site where the ancients were giving a warning about the future and the destruction of cultures if you do not heed their warning. The warning of what happened in the past can happen again in the near future. The never ending cycles of destruction due to man's desire to control the nature of creation and its beings.

General Motors -v- Henry Ford's Model T. Indicates a major showdown in the USA between the Sons of Darkness and the Sons of Light.

The Chevy was part of the Series C, classic SIX. Six is a feminine number and the Star of David as six points. ABC, is the beginning of the spiritual path as well as the English alphabet.

In the dictionary Chevy is a 'hunt', 'hunting cry', from Chevy Chase about a border skirmish. There is a 'Chevy Chase' Hebrew school in Bethesda and it is a Chabad school. Last year Abba said 'No school, schools out'.

Chevy = SHEVA = ELISHEVA = 'god is my vow'. Elizabeth is the anglicized version of Elisheba and we provided posts in the past on how Elizabeth is mentioned in the prophecies. It included the visions of Queen ELizabeth the first and the film 'Golden Age' that is about the holy war between two sides. Those that wish to overpower others with their religion and those that wish to allow the people to have the freedom to be in the way that God ordained. Allowing the children to grow organically in nature, and not indoctrinating them into inherited belief systems that are unhealthy for human consciousness.

This message is to do with what is upright and good versus what is stolen by others. Clearly, Durant was an experienced corporate man that knew how to drive out Louis Chevrolet so that he would benefit from the name of Chevrolet and his work. Two men that battled it out until it caused the end of the company, the end of GM's competitor, was that the plan of GM right from the beginning? It feels so.

Was that the plan of those that stood against Michael M Mauldin? If you trust his word that he conveyed to you in writing, then YES, their plan was to drive him out of Georgia. They chose to starve him financially, into submission. Did it work? No, Michael would never submit to the tyranny of others against the tender and gentled hearted.  His death was a result. However, his name will live forever. Does it remind you of what the corporations do to 3rd world countries with their 3rd world debt? Yes. Did Michael agree with me? Yes. Did Michael stand with me side by side defending Israel like the book of Daniel predicted? Yes. His love never waivered, not even after his death. As he said 'Don't you dare give up after everything we went through together'.

When the the King of Spain and Queen Elizabeth were involved in the holy war against each other, did the King of Spain win? No, why not?

There was divine intervention for the Queen that stood for the innocent and tender hearted. The Queen that stood for the people's divine right to be. The right winds came for the right Queen. This is also confirmed in the Dead Sea Scrolls, when the Sons of Light come to my aid there will be more divine intervention. As God said 'It is not a one way street'. In the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Sons of Light win at the end of the day because it is God's will for them to do so. Every time a Son of Light helps me, God rewards them with more divine intervention. Its absolutely wonderful, to watch the manifestation that is called the 'testimony for Joseph' in the biblical prophecies.

In the book of Ezekiel he also talks about the four wheels and the car is symbolic of the self. When you have four wheels you can see the FOUR sacred directions at the same time. In other words, you have the panoramic view of the world and creation.  Ezekiel 10, speaks of how the cherubim stopped at the East Gate of the LORD's house, and the glory of the God of Israel was above them. Was this when we embedded the covenant for the children at the temple mount in September 2007? Or was it when we entered the EAST gate of the Kingdom of God within? You decide.

How was the glory of the God of Israel above them? I was standing on the top and the Rabbi's and orthodox Jews were on the floor at the wall head banging below me. The Muslims were also on their knees on the grass around the corner from me. How the LORD God of Israel ignores and laughs at them. The biblical prophecies predicted that God will make fools of men who think they understand.

In my experience of the Son of God, he always tells you look up. Why is that? If you don't look up then you will not ascend upwards to meet your Creator. When I was on the top was I still looking up? Yes, of course, I always look up to the Father of the Son,  he is taller and much bigger than me, I didn't have any choice in the matter. Even when I see his face, I still have to look up at him, just like a wife looks up to her husband. When I put my arms up to him, then the rays came down upon me, and through me energetically to the top of the mount where he placed me with the cedar of Lebanon.

The East is symbolic of the spiritual teacher and in the prophecies it is the teacher of righteousness. In the Dead Sea Scrolls it is the divine guide that is sent to help Israel and the spiritual children of the world.
The East gate is also known as the Golden Gate and Gate of Mercy and in the biblical prophecies it predicted that the LORD would return with mercy. HESED. I like the play on words with Hesed, HE SAID. He said, he would keep his promise to Israel and he did. Now can Israel keep their promise to HaShem?

So now you can understand why the logo above is so important. It is indicative of the four sacred directions. In the ancient pictographs it is the cross sticks and it means a sign, a signature. TAW became the letter TAV. So there we have the letter 'T' again with AV.

AV is usually July-August in the gregorian calendar. It is written that in the Talmud the darkest events of Jewish history took place at this time. "Taanit 29a, states that "when we enter [the month of] Av, our joy is diminished". However, in our last comment from the heavenly Father, he did not speak of diminished joy, he spoke of 'diminished responsibility' in respect of the woman that tried to kill her children in the USA, due to a Christian preacher called Camping,  telling them that judgement day was on the 21st of May. 

Now read about AV and 'Hebron Massacre' and how the Arabs murdered and raped the ancient Jewish community of Jewish people who had lived their for generations in relative peace. 

As Golda Meir said 'When the Arabs love their children more than they hate us then their will be peace'. 

And is it not the same for those that stand against me and God? 

As the Son of God said 'Those that do not stand against us are with us'. 

We spoke to you about the importance of being above the line, now check out the Truline of Jesse fresco post. The signs and messages are everywhere, even in the Vatican for those that have the eyes to see them. 

Were the Jewish temples meant to be destroyed on AV? Yes, God allows man to destroy his own creation. Only that which is holy and true will stand before the Creator. Only those that live in integrity can truly stand before God and his holy ones. Hence, why the prophecies predicted that only a true Prophet is sent to Israel to help them, to stand before them in the integrity and mercy of God. 

The LORD said he would return with MERCY, HESED, he did. Now it is up to the people to return to God with mercy for the one that did it all for love. For the children and the future of humanity. 

To raise humanity up. 



1 comment:

Eliakim said...

Racing car crash at Monaco, Perez in hospital.