Monday 4 July 2011

Honey Street Group Crop Circle

Well, well, we have two more crop circles at Honey Street that is three so far this season. [1]The first one was about hitting the target of duality bang on time and that is as sweet as honey.

The second and third was reported on the 4th of July 2011. The 4th of July is 'DAY OF GROUP'. This is a four year, seventh month and seven is the life number of the spiritual teacher. Energetically it is a 474 day and that is the Hebrew gematria of "His WISDOM'. If you compound 474, it is 15 and that is the soferim of good luck and blessings.

When I look at this crop circle I can see the magnets again. In the location of one of the other crop circles it was also near the farm that was in the shape of the magnet. I also see the feathers of the tribes and I view this as relating to four tribes. that are moving in the inner sun and outer sun. My view of this is that it is to do with with the magnetism of the sun and how it impacts on the tribes.

The feathered tribes are coming to understand the science of their own cultures and realities, and the importance of their 'group' existence to current human evolution.  I also see four Scorpion shapes, and as far as I am aware the next big Saturn transit that comes to be in October 2012 is Saturn in Scorpio, that will take humanity into 2014-2015. So in the short term the situation in Libya, is not going to be over quickly.

It also looks like there is going to be a break up of an old group, like one Scorpion King becoming four Kings. At first it felt like this was to do with the Western tribes like the Native Americans and Mayans. However, I do not relate the Scorpion to them at all.

The Scorpion is more related to the African continent because the scorpion tends to live in the desert. One Scorpion as created a lot of concrete, and the other three are a lot wiser. They know that building countries of concrete does not create the honey street of ecological, self-sustainability that can be fed from the sun and feed them. So one can view this as three African leaders (and their groups) of three different African nations that will help to lead the rest of the African continent the right way. They have no requirement for Obama, and is Western materialism that strives to destroy spirituality.

The nations on the African continent have the most amazing sun power above them,  all they have to do is harness it in the right way to co-create prosperous nations. The sun can be harnessed economically and  the new leaders know that. They can even grow their own fish and harvest their own water on a small plot of land if they choose to. While the African nations have the sun above them, there is absolutely, no reason to be without water ever. Water can be harvested in every home. It does not require massive pipelines that impact on the environment.  It does not require the creation or expansion of 'water companies' to charge people for water.

Who spent billions on taking water into the desert? Gaddafi.

'Waste not want not' is the motto of prudence.

This is the time of inter-dependence with the natural resources of the planet, and living in harmony with it. My advice to the African nations is this: Do not import that which is not essential, make your own. Do not give your power away to the corporations. Do not allow materialism to take you away from your essential spiritual being. Remember what the Son of God said 'The Meek shall inherit the earth'.




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