Sunday 16 October 2011

Calling Out Kim Miller Concerned Christians

Well this is another one for ELIJAH's LIST. I am calling out the person that goes by the name of 'Kim Miller'. USA from the website '

The LORD took me to see what had written about the Kennedy family. The USA may well be the house that Jack built like the Son of God said it was. However, I can assure you that there is no ELIAKIM curse on the Kennedy family, or any other family for that matter. In fact in the Aramaic; the word curse does not even appear in the book of Malachi.

So Kim Miller can you stand in integrity before me in the sight of the LORD God?





Constance Cumbey said...

Kim Miller is a HE and not a SHE. It is "Monte Kim Miller." He did significant meaningful work in the late 1980s and early 1990s and then fell prey to false prophecies and great deception. He went New Age himself in that he was claiming to channel God. In the process he fell also to the lure of money, extorting millions out of his followers. He called his group "Concerned Christians."

I pray for him but even more for those he has deceived and led astray.


Eliakim said...

Thank you for sharing Constance. Yes, I know the group was called Concerned Christians that is why it is in the title of the post.

One of the first things that a good spiritual teacher teaches their students is discernment. Those that have discernment cannot be taken in by the likes of Monte Miller. As far as the money is concerned it does seem to be a part of the American Christian movement.

As bible predicts, the money is meant to be given to elohiym not people Christian Churches.

I am here now and we will address them one by one as the LORD ordains it to be so.

Eliakim said...


Sarah said...

my family is in this cult. I wrote a blog yesterday after finding out that my uncle wrote my grandmother. it had been 12 years. please continue to pray for the families who have not returned.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Special, who is your family member? I was in this cult until 2002. They are all in Philadelphia if you wanted to find them. its not hard.

Anonymous said...

How Can we find them?

Anonymous said...

hello mrs. special & anonymous ~ i, too, have relatives, who abandoned their home in denver, co. we used to hear from them, every year, with a really strange phone call, but nonetheless, they called. however, they haven't called in YEARS. please .... please, her name is cynthia, husband is carlos and they have 3 daughters ..... do you know them? are they ok?

thank you soooo much!!!!!!

please email at

thank u!!!! <3

ramona clark said...

Dear anonymous
my sister, Robbyn Malene Malesic is in the cult. I'm trying to find out if she is alive. Couldn't find her or husband Steve is Philadelphia
my email is