Tuesday 13 December 2011

Migdal Eder Prophecy

Christians and people calling themselves Rabbi's are writing about the Migdal Eder prophecy to support their beliefs and it is time to look at this prophecy because it was sent to me today. Mike Short writes about the coming of Moshiach and it tells you that it can be found in the book of Micah.

Mike shares with us that Strongs 5740, the word Eder means 'flock, fold'. Migdal Eder means 'Flock Tower'. A tower that is built for the protection of the flocks against robbers. A strong tower where the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. Proverbs 18:10.

He then quotes Rabbi Munk, paraphrases Genesis 35:23 and Micah 4:8, "He spread his tent beyond Migdal Eder, the place where King Messiah will reveal himself at the end of the days'.

Mike then mentions daughter Zion and mentions Isaiah 7:14 as her being the almah or the daughter of Zion of Micah 4. He goes on to mention Micah 6 and citing the plot of Balaam. He also states that prophets Micah shares points in common with Hosea and Deuteronomy when he speaks of hesed and his love of hesed. [1]

1. Migdal Eder - Hebrew Strongs 4029 the name means 'Tower of the Flock'. Studylight share with us that the word comes from the root Gadal and it means 'to grow', 'become great or important', 'promote', 'make powerful', 'praise', 'magnify', 'do great things'. You can understand then that it is about an action that one takes to help the people.

2. Micah 4 is about the LORD's plan for the last days of the end times. He tells you that daughter ZION is the watchtower of the flock and she is sent on a mission to Babylon e.g. USA. That happened in 2008
When we flew into the USA the Prince of Peace Church in Philadelphia burned to the ground. This was a sign to the Americans that the paraclete predicted in the new testament had arrived to help his true followers.

3. Psalm 18 is a lovely psalm. It mentions that when he came down, there was 'Thick darkness under his feet' the feet are also an important part of the prophecy because it relates to the nature of being Lotus Feet that has the darkness under her feet, just like she has the moon under her feet in Rev 12.

'He rode upon a cherub and flew and he sped up on the wings of the wind'. That was when we were teaching souls to fly divine. After that 'He made darkness his hiding place, his canopy around him. Darkness of waters, thick clouds of the skies'. Does this relate to the time spent on conspiracy forums with the Americans? Prophet Isaiah also spoke about the conspiracy and Nostradamus spoke about the conspirators and how she would return to reign. However, the night the LORD came down also relates to the night of the Harmonic Concordance when my life changed forever. I was never the same again after that night.

Then you have to ask who is the cherub that the LORD is riding? Clearly, he is not riding a donkey, he is riding a sacred cherub that are golden. 'The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Most High uttered his voice. Hailstones and coal of fire.' As we know the fire is also to do with Prophet Elijah and in the biblical prophecies Joseph is the flame. Is the Psalm telling you that she is the Most High that utters his voice? In the Malachi prophecies she is the sun of righteousness, the Messenger of the Covenant who is a spiritual alchemist that was sent to Israel to work with the Levites.

Psalm 18 mentions the rescue and that is also repeated in Rev 12 and again in Micah 4, this relates to two different timelines and situations. 'The reward is due to righteousness, according to the cleanness of the hands.' Cleanness of the hands, is the opposite to bloodshed and corruption. It is to do with the purity of their deeds, in other words their integrity. Of course, in this timeline, the hands are used for healing and also to type. The prophecy can relate to what has been written because the biblical prophecies predicted that a skilled writer would come and Prophet Zechariah mentions a flying scroll.

'With the kind you show yourself kind. With the blameless you show yourself blameless. With the pure you show yourself pure and with the crooked you show yourself astute'. Astute is also a phrase associated to business. A person is said to be astute in business affairs, as such this was a prediction that the person had a business background.

The LORD saves an afflicted people but haughty eyes you abase. For you light my lamp. The prophecy tells you that she is lifted away from the darkness of others that are the enemies of the LORD. He lifts her up like a man lifting up a woman when he dances with her. 'You rescue me from the violent man'. People can be violent in thought, word or deed and the rescue is mentioned in both Rev 12 and Micah 4. The rescue of his daughter ZION from Babylon (USA), she is also called daughter Jerusalem, the golden cherub that he rides. He gives deliverance to his king and shows lovingkindness to his anointed. To David and his descendants forever.

3. Psalm 18 mentions the fact that the LORD shows his daughter 'lovingkindness' in other words she could see his Son, she was allowed to see the Son of God.  The one that she was ordained to be shown was the Lute of Lovingkindness mentioned by King David in Psalm 92. The Lute of Lovingkindness was the one that the Christians know as Jesus Christ.

4. The Psalm tells you that he gives deliverance to his king, his anointed. His king is daughter Zion who is given her kingship in Micah 4.

5. Proverb 18 tells the people about 'The fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook'. 'The name of the LORD is a strong tower, the righteous runs into it and is safe'. 'Humility goes before honor'. That was certainly true. Verse 18 tells you 'The cast lot puts an end to strife and decides between the mighty ones'. It speaks of the fruit of the lips and in mystical Judaism that is to do with a prophet. He will be satisfied with the product of his lips. In other words the LORD is satisfied with the one that speaks his word as ordained to do, that is why she is rescued each time she has fulfilled what she was ordained to do.

6. Power of the tongue. 'Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those that love it will eat its fruit'. The fruit was also given as a sign in the NT of how to recognize the Son of Man that was predicted to come in the last days of the end times. Son of Man being a term of endearment for a prophet. Prophet Daniel told you that they would be like the Son of Man. This verse in the Proverb is also telling the people that they teach the people the power of words on their being; and this can be proven scientifically and historically. In the beginning was the word is the most profound statement ever made.

7. He who finds the wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD. The book of Revelation predicted that the Lute of Lovingkindness would select the one who overcome and was victorious, and that he would put that person upon his throne. In so doing the one known as Jesus Christ is favored by the LORD for doing so. 'A man who has too many friends comes to ruin, but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother'. The Lute of Lovingkindness is that friend in Spirit that stayed closer to me than a sibling.

8. In the translations of Micah 4 that I am looking at it does not say Migdal Eder, it says 'As for you, tower of the flock, Hill of the daughter of Zion, to you it will come, even the former dominion will come, the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem. Now why do you cry out loudly? Is there no king among you, or has your counselor perished? The text is relating to the Lute of Lovingkindness who was my counselor because she no longer requires his counsel, because she is one with the LORD.

9. 'Arise and thresh daughter Zion' and the word 'Arise' is her birth name that is written on her birth certificate. In the NT, it is written that the Son even said her name in Aramaic when he was healing the child, when my friend was healing with me, he would also say my name. After the return from the first mission to Israel, (2006) he came and he called me Lotus Feet for the first time. The name Lotus Feet indicates the true nature of her being.

In 2007, she had been delivered to Jerusalem wearing the golden gown mentioned in Psalm 45, the golden gown that had been bestowed to the Royal Bride by the Princess. The Queen of the South that is mentioned in the New Testament that was predicted to come in the last days of the end times.

The mission to Jerusalem to deliver the covenant for the children, the everlasting covenant predicted by Prophet Isaiah. So what robbers does daughter Zion defend the children from? She defends the children's divine birthright to be divine, sacred and holy, so that they can have clean hands in the sight of the  LORD.

The Queen defends their divine right to live in spiritual independence where no attachment to any religion is necessary. His lady defends the sacred union with the divine. 'You do not require a visa to fly into heaven' from Sacred Words. Defending the people in the name of the LORD, against those that would like to take them out of his hand. She praises the LORD for all that he has done for the children of the world. She gave her life to the LORD for his will to be done, to be his mouthpiece and to speak his words to raise the people up and away from those that have violent intentions. Just like he rescued her from those that were violent, she did the same in his name. The children were exalted in equality for it to be so, forever.

The biblical prophecies tell you that the LORD defends the cause of Zion, he defends the cause of his daughter, his anointed one, his Queen, he also sent her to defend Israel's right to existence. Israel is not ZION, Israel is part of her cause for being in existence on the planet to fulfill the biblical prophecies.

The biblical prophecies also tell you that this one was born in ZION and that is a spiritual and celestial reality. The prophecies also tell you that the LORD loves Zion more than he loves Israel. Why is that? He sent his daughter ZION to help the children of the world and all of the nations. The children of the world, their future and divine inheritance is the cause. In addition to building his holy city of enlightenment predicted by Prophet Isaiah.

Prophet Malachi imparted that if the people do not turn their hearts to the children in this timeline, then the nations will be destroyed. That includes Israel, it also tells them that they are robbing the LORD's ELOHIM and she is also mentioned in Psalm 46.

The LORD is waiting for the nations to pay her wages so that she can complete her mission on planet earth. Prophet Malachi tells you that only then will the heavens open up; and the world will have more blessings than they can count. For it is the divine will of the LORD for it to be so.

The one that was promised to Moses is here. The descendant of Joseph. Blessed is the one that comes in the name of the LORD.


1. http://www.mayimhayim.org/Rabbi%20Mike/Migdal%20Eder.htm

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