Wednesday 21 March 2012

Veshakha Day - 14th Iyar - Mystics Return

While I was bathing I was shown a vision of David Cameron, at first he was smiling and then he heard something, like someone told him about something that had been written, and he was choking on his coffee. He had the cup and saucer in his hand and he was choking profusely.

After a little while, I then saw a large Hebrew letter that looked like the letter Chet and a gold cross came down over the top of it, through it and in front of it. Then on my left a stone buddha head appeared in a slight profile. I wish I was able to draw it all for you, because it was very beautiful, in fact, it was stunning.

Chet has the Hebrew gematria value of eight and the Chet visions were received in March 2009. The Jewish sages headline it as 'The Life Dynamic, run and return'. [1] It was in 2009 that the herald mentioned in the bible ran with the prophecy at the appointed time.

In the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon it is the Hhets and the pictograph is described as a tent wall to protect the occupants from the elements. It became the Greek and Roman letter H. [2] 'protect occupants from the elements' reminds me of the occupation movement and their tents that were removed from St Paul's Cathedral.

In the Greek it is described as originating from the Phoenician letter heth. As you can see it has an upper and lower section. Like two different compartments. In fact, it looks like a window, a window of opportunity. 

In Greek it is also known as Eta, and to me eta means the 'estimated time of arrival.' If you compare the Greek letters with the Coptic, the Coptic is much more creative, and decorative and it is written that all of the codices found at Nag Hammadi were written in Coptic. I am feeling a strong resonance with the Copts as I write this, and it is very important. 

The energetic symbol of the gold cross and the figure of the Buddha head indicates Vesak to me and that comes in May. This year it is on the 5th of May and that will be 555, the gateway of enlightenment, although in India and Indonesia they appear to be celebrating it on the 6th, the return of the mystics.


On Vesakha Day, Buddhists celebrate around the world and we celebrate the Buddha's of all traditions. The bust found in the Greco-Buddhist city, confirms that the one known as Jesus was completely comfortable with the combination of Greek and Buddhist philosophy, and it is no surprise that the texts written with the words that he spoke were written in Coptic. In those texts, especially the Gospel of Thomas, he also responds to the questions of his followers regarding their heritage of Jewish traditions.

Vesakha is a day to celebrate those that were noble in holiness, the great givers to humanity, the ones that gave their lives in service to help humanity, a day to celebrate the Lute of Lovingkindness that has done so much to help us all divinely. To remember our blessings in abundance that we have received down the ages. To make it a special day, a day to be honored in the best way that you know how.

14th Iyar - Second Passover 

In Israel and for the Jewish people; the 6th of May is the second passover, and it is also called '14th of Iyar' when G-d gave them a second chance. Teshuvah is all about returning to the sacred union with the divine. 555 can also compound to 6 and as we know there are six points to the Star of David.

'The Trials of Moses' by Botticelli 

For those of you that live in England, it is also close to the feast day of the Christian mystic, Julian of Norwich on the 8th of May, and that fits perfectly with this gateway opening of the mystics return. although some Churches celebrate it on the 13th of May and that aligns with the unity gathering in Israel in 2006. This year will be the sixth anniversary.

Nostradamus also predicted that the people of new leaven would come in April/May.

We are giving you plenty of warning so that you can make your spiritual plans in advance. Let it be a global awakening, and rejoicing for all the blessings that we have received.


PS WOW, that posted at exactly 555. The LORD never ceases to amaze me.

2. Ancient Hebrew Lexicon, Jeff Benner


Eliakim said...

In the video of the ELGIN platform you will see the letter H.

Eliakim said...

The original post also has the words 'protect the occupants from the elements.'